Subject: An epic mind blowing week!

Hello Friend,.

  This past week has been absolutely epic.

Imagine....the flyby of Pluto by New Horizons.  That spacecraft travelled more than three billion miles
over the past nine years to reach the outermost of the solar system.

    I mentioned this to one of my neighbours, who is in fact quite a religious fellow, knows his bible quite well,
and his response  was essentially.  "What a waste of money".

Of course, I explained as best I could the many benefits of this kind of research, and how science advances
our understanding of many things, and also results in many useful consumer spinoff technologies.

      Well then the conversation went onto other matters such as global warming,  dinosaurs, and the age of the earth.

So I asked him: "How old do you think the earth is then"?

His answer was: "About 6000 years old".

    I then explained to him that I was recently at the Joggins fossil cliffs in Nova Scotia where  some of the rock
cliffs and subterranean fossils were over 330 million years old.

Just around the time the cretaceous period more or less began.

    His response was that was not a correct analysis and he would lend me a dvd that he had watched by a "credible scientist"
that would explain it all so I could get a "better understanding".

     I can't wait.

Once he digs it out, I'll be sure to watch it as I will be quite curious to see the "facts" being presented.

Before I left, he was kind enough to offer me a beer, which I had to decline since I had to get going, but he did mention one
more thing.

    As Noah was loading the ark with the animals, 2 x 2, the dinosaurs and other behemoths were left behind to drown,
and that's how they were eradicated from this planet.


  Men and women at NASA are piloting a tiny little spacecraft three billion miles over nine years and getting it to send back awesome high-res images of a mind-bogglingly distant world.

        Why some people can be so anti-science boggles my mind.  Not to mention the origins of the universe, and origins of life.

You can make your own inquiries into the state of the universe with this remarkable Canadian product, the New Mallincam
SkyRaider Deep series Camera
at an introductory price

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan