Subject: A rumskullion , that's what he is, mate

Hello Friend,

Im about to board a plane and head off to darker skies, in Turks Caicos,
where observing iOrion in a t shirt is a far better prospect, than
sticking around these here cold parts, and supposed Spring Weather.

Anyone for ground hog stew?

Many parts of the Carribean have tales of lore of pirates that would hang
coconuts in the trees, and lure ships upon the rocks, and when they
grounded, would attack and rob and plunder the cargo.

They were real rumskullions!

They drank a lot of rum, had fun with the ladies, and in their spare time
the pirates would earn their keep , with plying booty,

Well the good news for you is that you wont have to do any of that.

goto www.khanscope,com and check out the new promotions that we
have for your right now.

Ahoy Matey

Ray "jolly roger" Khan

PS Don't worry, I will toast a rum to you, with angosura bitters to boot,