Subject: Friend, Father Time is speaking...

Friend, you requested this informative newsletter at If you don't remember doing it, or want to unsubscribe - just hit the link right at the bottom. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Not Bought My Honest Lotto System? Read on for more information... Today You Get A Huge 30% Discount, Trippple G'tee and $150 Numbers Workshop Bonus: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi Friend, Ken Silver again, quickly... In case you hadn't made up your mind about my Honest Lotto birthday offer, I'm just reminding you that you only have a few hours before Father Time speaks, and the offer ends. Then the manual's price goes up. If you forgot what I was offering you, it is simply this... To celebrate my special day, I'm keeping the Honest Lotto System at the old price for a short time. How long will it stay at this old price before I raise it? The same number of HOURS since my birthday as the CENTS in the purchase price. So if the price of the Honest Lotto System is x dollars and 25 cents, then the offer will last for only 25 hours from my birthday date. The cents price is also my AGE on my birthday a couple days back. (No, I'm not 25... but you'll soon find out how old I am when you go to the bottom of and click on the 'buy' link there). So, Father Time has spoken - it's up to you to purchase before he croaks: If you know someone who would benefit by knowing my age (or buying the Honest Lotto System!) send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. They'll thank you for it! Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!) ------------------------------------- Contact me by email: -------------------------------------