Subject: Try LottoPredict Trial

Hi Silverites,

If you have the Silver Lotto System, and want to get winning faster and more often, LottoPredict is your answer.

It's normally available as a Lifetime subscription for US$59.

>> But today I'm offering a Time-Limited Trial so you can try it out and see for yourself.

You'll get unlimited use of the full LottoPredict program for just $5 risk free until July 31, 2022.

That's just 5 dollars or pounds, in your own currency.


If you like LottoPredict after your trial (and 1,000s of Silverites do), then you'll be able to purchase it for just US$49 instead of US$59.

Yes, test it for over 6 weeks for just $5, and then get US$10 off.

It's a great way to find out what the excitement over LottoPredict is all about!


Just send $5 via your PayPal account to: 

To make it easy, you don't need to put any details in your PayPal order. We will do everything for you.

And this is $5 in your own currency ... Canadian / Australian dollars, £5 British pounds, you get the idea.

So it's a great saving!


The earlier you order, the more time you get with LottoPredict right up to the end of July 2022.


To find out why LottoPredict works so well, go here:

Keep on winning!

Ken Silver
Siiver Lotto

PS. You can also order Lifetime LottoPredict for US$59 right now. Just go to

Copyright 2022 Ken Silver
Silver Media Group, Ganges Rd, 6035, Wellington, New Zealand
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