Subject: Lifetime LottoPredict Offer

Hi Silverites!

LottoPredict has been a great assistance for many of our players over the years.

It's been responsible for a huge improvement in winning faster and more often for many Silverites.

But it costs up to $130 a year.

So as part of my program to let Silverites benefit more from the System, I'm now offering a limited-time offer as a one-off lifetime subscription to System owners.

For just US$59 it's permanently yours, forever!

Remember, you must already have the Silver Lotto System to order Lifetime LottoPredict.

To order Lifetime LottoPredict, send US$59 from PayPal to 

(You don't need to put any details in your order. We will check your records and do it for you!)

If you want to order in your own currency, here are the prices. Contact me for other currencies:

  • Canada: $74

  • UK: £47

  • Australia: $79

  • New Zealand: $89

After we receive your payment I will reply with your details and password within 24 hours.

If you want to buy Lifetime LottoPredict but it's not convenient right now, contact me at and you can make 3 monthly payments.

This will cost a little more, but could help you to buy before this offer expires.

Get more information on LottoPredict here:

Remember, if you want certainty in your playing, knowing when you should play and how much to spend, LottoPredict is a real advantage that has helped thousands of our players.

Can't wait to hear from you!

Ken Silver


Silver Lotto
