Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #82--Friend, your 3 Step Dream Plan

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Honest Lotto System: Today You Get A Huge 30% Discount, Double G'tee and $150 Numbers Workshop Bonus. See how here: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi Friend, Ken Silver again... Yesterday I announced the new (free, no sign-up required) Dreams Forum at And I've been delighted at the response thus far. I want to write a little more today about why you need 'Dreams' first, before Wins. After all, this is a lotto system we're talking about, isn't it? And you'd expect to get information on how to win, wouldn't you? Well, yes and no. Let me explain. But first I have to give you some personal background so you'll understand better where I'm coming from. You know, some of the things I'm going to spill here I've never admitted to anyone before. But what I'm going to reveal to you today will Hugely Improve Your Lot - no matter what stage of life you're at this moment (and I know some of you are in a bad space, and I'm desperately sorry). It's all about how to Dream, and how to Win. Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream, and it influenced a nation. You can have a dream to better your own life, and help others too. Enough of the grand phrases. Settle down. Let's start... About 15 years ago--probably when you were just a kid--the commercial internet had not been invented. No email, nothing. Marketers did everything by post in those days. And in all my life did I ever dream that the kind of Buck Rogers interconnecting net would be such a huge force in everyone's daily life as it is today. Back then in the early 90's I was experiencing what you might call an intellectual and fiscal challenge. In other words, I was broke and needed a lot of folding stuff to fuel my anticipated lifestyle. By 'anticipated' I meant I wanted materially what I thought everyone else had, and more. Like an impressive house of our very own in a good area, to replace the one I lost through a bad business decision (sorry, family!) A solid business that wouldn't fail. Yep--there's a connection there too. A decent car--or several in fact, and luxury brands too. People to do the stuff I didn't enjoy... the lawns, the garden, the housework. And a guaranteed income that would work when I didn't. I wasn't asking too much :-) and I wanted it bad. I'll tell you how much of the good life I eventually got, if you'll just stay with me... So back then I struggled to think of ways to make a large amount of riches fast. And I came up with this pathetic list: 1. Marry someone rich. 2. Rob a bank. 3. Win at gambling. The first idea was hard to get my head round, since I had been happily married for over 20 years already and didn't want to change spouses. And my lovely spouse was unlikely to become rich, since she--like me--had no-one to inherit a substantial sum from. Our parents were poor, even though they had middle class values. Even today people like them simply don't have much to pass on. Besides, I got on well with all our relations... I really didn't want any of them to die just so I could buy a cigarette boat or a jacuzzi with a built-in plasma TV. The second option was so silly, I didn't even consider it. I once saw a bank being robbed in mid-city Wellington, and it wasn't pretty. The sole robber was a man in his mid-thirties, well dressed. The police had been surrounding the bank for an hour while they negotiated, with him inside. It was a hostage-taking situation. By that time the word had spread and the area was packed with a large crowd of several hundred people. Finally they captured him and walked him out of the bank, through the crowds in the mall, to a waiting police van parked on the roadside. It was eerily quiet on this fine summer's day as the three police officers escorted the handcuffed robber through the silent crowd. The group passed within feet of me, the robber with his head down, breathing hard, impassively looking at the pavement, hands pulled behind his back, the police officers walking briskly beside him. I'm unlikely to forget that lunchtime episode... the huge crowd shocked and still, looking, watching the ashamed robber between two burly cops, the sound of shoes echoing on the pavement in this normally busy and noisy city. No, I couldn't rob a bank. The last idea seemed do-able. Yes - win at the races, casino, or lottery! That seemed much easier too. Easy is good for me. As my wife will tell you, I'm creatively lazy. So at nights I would sit up dreaming of how I could beat the odds. My late Dad was an optician, brilliant with numbers. Those days lens calculations were all worked out by hand - no computers to weaken the brain. And his figures for some projects were enormously complex, filling up sheets of paper. So I was following in his footsteps, in a way. Thanks Dad. One by one the options slipped away. The horses didn't pay enough, and besides I always had a suspicion the races were rigged. And they smelled a tad too. I wanted something no-one could fiddle with. No go - it was the same with the casino, or poky machines. Ruled those out pretty quick. But then there was the lottery. Aha! Run by our government in one of the most uncorrupted countries of the civilized world - MY country. Perfect! Then I got started and began to research it. Interesting. You wouldn't believe the ways that some folks tried to beat the odds. And mostly failed. Group psychology. Tarot cards. Psychics. Numerology. And so on. Gradually, as I researched longer and harder--even got on first name terms with all the local librarians and wore a lot of library cards out--I was ready to give it a big miss. There just didn't seem to be a way to do it. The odds of winning were too high. No-one else appeared to have done it except in syndicates. I was one person alone however, and didn't want to join a group. (That's changed, of course: After a year of study I was about ready to give up. Remember this moment too - because it is going to be one of the most important life-changing points in your own life if you make the mental connection with me... Suddenly one day - I don't remember whether I was in the bath like Archimedes with his "Eureka!" moment, or out walking the hills that surrounded our rented farm place - anyway, I had the glimmer of a brainwave. Excitedly, I ran back to my desk, grabbed some sheets of paper and started testing, And testing, And testing! It went on and on. At lunchtimes in my miserable day job I would continue. Nights merged with weekends as I struggle to determine the rules for play for my unique system. A year or more passed. Well, you know the answer. The Honest Lotto System was born, and was successful. Over two million dollars later, with scores of winners and more successes than I have room to show, all round the world. My system is proven. So how did a dream get me started? Simply this. In my early days I found the mind turns a dream into reality. Let me repeat this another way, because it's one of the most important factors in my life, and yours--if you accept the wisdom. "A strong dream makes wishes concrete." What you dream of eventually comes to pass. Remember the prophet's catchphrase: "Be careful of what you wish for"? It means that your mind will steer you, unerringly, in the direction you desire. I wanted the bling stuff so badly, that my mind created the situation for it. I'm not alone. Many people have discovered the power of auto-suggestion. The one ebook I recommend you read about getting anything you want out of life ( is one of the most effective ways I've found to explain the secrets surrounding this phenomenon. And it's the best $19 you'll ever spend. How the dream theory works is immaterial. But the way you should use it is important. Here's how you should do it, in three simple steps: 1. Define your dreams. 2. Write them down. 3. Review them often. When you look at why I've started the Dream Forum, you'll see how it exactly fits these 3 steps to success. 1. Define your dreams. Take say, the 3 most important things you desire, and sort them out, prioritize them. Know what you want. Instead of saying you want a flash house, get into more detail. You want a house with 5 bedrooms, each with an ensuite, with a home gym with TV's in front of the treadmill and wall-length mirrors, a home theater and a pool. Picture it in your mind. Clip magazines when you see the kind of house you want. Live it, breathe it, WANT it! OK, got your dream defined? Whether it's helping others, getting stuff, doesn't matter... your mind will BRING it to you when you are CLEAR in what you want! 2. Write your dreams down. Don't ask me how writing them down works, but it does. Fingers on pen or keys. Write your dream out fully. In your own style. That can mean typing too of course, but the words have to come from your own heart and head. A former chairman of Mitsubishi used to write his life goals EACH DAY in his personal diary. I do the same. It works, powerfully well. Put your dreams on the Dreams Forum: 3. Review them often. The esteemed Mitsubishi chairman benefited hugely by writing his goals out each day. The repetition strengthened his ambition. You can do the same thing by reviewing your written goals daily. If you write your dreams in my Dream Forum and look at them each day, you'll achieve the same result. And it's actually better doing it there too, because you're part of a growing community of like-minded people. Each of the 'dreamers' there want a better life. Just like you. It's inspiring, isn't it? Let's wrap this up. You're probably still wondering how you can beat lotto through dreaming. I'll spout it to you. The dreamers have a huge advantage over the others who don't. Dreams come to pass because the build-up of intense desire inspires the dreamer to: - Be more effective at what they do. That means they'll play more games, increase their stake. In short, winning is almost automatic when they combine the Honest Lotto System with this strength. - Stay longer at tasks and therefore complete them. They'll play constantly - no lotto-losing misses. - Be less affected by loss. And everyone has losses - until they get the Big One. - Persist... they keep working when all else fails. And did I achieve all I wanted, starting from my rock-bottom point 15 years ago? With an empty wallet? Broke and broken? You bet! I kept my longterm partner (you knew I would, didn't you!) instead of trading her in for a new model. And we have 4 late model expensive cars... Mercedes sports cars and a Lexus SUV. No boasting here - I'm just a guy with a love for quality machinery. Others might buy porcelain dolls for finacial growth. I'm different. And as I watched my other half scrubbing the bathroom floor on her hands and knees a long time back, my thought was not to get her a long-handled mop to ease her burden, but a cleaner to do the job for her. So we have people to do the stuff we hate - gardens, house cleaning - even though we are hard-working folk ourselves. And yes, I have a business that keeps growing... because everyone with a dream wants to score at lotto, and there are gazillions of people who need my system. I've only just scratched the surface of potential buyers. Yes, really. Listen... ...there are also mega-millions of people who want a business without much work and to provide an income for when they retire or want an expensive vacation. So I help them. I have many affiliates who earn big bux by selling the Honest Lotto System to others: Could YOU be one? It all conspires to make this crazy life on this amazing planet a happy one for everyone involved. All built on the power of a dream. You can do it too. Of course, the first step to a Dream is to take ACTION. Do the 1, 2, 3 steps I suggest. Then get the Honest Lotto System today and be part of my elite dream group. By buying today, you'll receive a huge 30% discount, double g'tee and $150 Numbers Workshop bonus: OK, that's the selling part over. Get dreaming! I'll leave you alone for a few days so you can get started. Next issue I'll tell you something quite different: How To Make A Million Dollars While You're Waiting To Win Lotto! Warm regards, Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system!) ------------------------------------- Contact me by email: Ken Silver Publishing, PO Box 22-183, Khandallah, Wellington 6004, New Zealand. ------------------------------------- Buy my top-selling Lotto System. See my amazing 80.3% success rate here: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Friend, you requested this newsletter as or took the Millionaire Test. If you want to be one of 3 subscribers each issue to get a no-cost Honest Lotto System (or get your invest-ment back if you bought it already), stay subscribed. If you don't want to receive it any more (yes, you're crazy if you cancel), just go to the link below. It's automatic and quick.