Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #81--Friend, join the Dreams Forum

------------------------------------ Honest Lotto System: Today You Get A Huge 30% Discount, Double G'tee and $150 Numbers Workshop Bonus. See how: ------------------------------------ Hi Friend, Ken Silver again, with some exciting news... I've started the Honest Lotto System Dreams Forum: What is it? And why would anyone write in a "Dreams Forum?" you might ask. The answer is simple, and it could change your life. Let me explain... When you write your wishes down, they turn from being a "thought" to a "plan." The simple act of listing your strongest desires makes them appear real and obtainable. That leads on to active reinforcement... which just means that whatever your brain thinks it can do - it will do. And it helps you stay on track. For lotto players I call this special motivator "Play Persistence"... the act of keeping going when all around you is ready to give up. That's when the real wins start. For the Honest Lotto System player taking part in the Dream Forum, it is life-altering because: - By writing it down, you'll have your goals in front of you all the time. Which means your aims will become stronger. So instead of missing your weekly lotto shop visit because of hurricanes, snow or tornados (or even because the temperature has dropped a degree or two and your couch is more comfy) - you'll still get out and buy your tickets. The week you miss could be the week you might have won - scary thought! - Having a written goal builds persistence. Readers of my Lotto-Tips newsletter ( know this fact well. Without persistence, you're going nowhere. And the most amazing thing about persistence is that often, just when you're about to give up - the reward pops up in front of you! - Written goals keep you focused. Decided to spend your playing cash on another round of beer for your mates? Forget it. You're better off spending it on another 20 tickets to increase your win chances. So with your goals nagging you in the background, you'll gradually change your thought patterns. - Sharing a goal or a wish inspires others. You'll have your faith restored in the human race when you read some of the 50 and more inspiring Dreams already on the forum: I look forward to hearing about YOUR dreams here: If you wrote me in the past with your Dream, you'll find I have put it on the forum. You can add to it when you want to... tell others about it... comment (nicely!) with a post to someone else's dream: Of course, the first step to a Dream is to take ACTION. So if you aren't a Silverite yet (someone who has bought the Honest Lotto System), then get it now and be part of my elite group. By buying now, you'll receive a huge 30% discount, double g'tee and $150 Numbers Workshop bonus: Warm regards, Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system!) ------------------------------------- Contact me by email: Ken Silver Publishing, PO Box 22-183, Khandallah, Wellington 6004, New Zealand. ------------------------------------- Buy my top-selling Lotto System. See my amazing 80.3% success rate here: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Friend, you requested this newsletter as or took the Millionaire Test. If you want to be one of 3 subscribers each issue to get a no-cost Honest Lotto System (or get your invest-ment back if you bought it already), stay subscribed. If you don't want to receive it any more (yes, you're crazy if you cancel), just go to the link below. It's automatic and quick.