Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #74--Friend, what's your dream?

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Buy the Honest Lotto System today and save US$17.50! Go to now. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi Friend, Ken Silver here again, posing an interesting question for you... What dream do you have for spending your lotto winnings? Is there something you've always wanted to accomplish... a special place to visit... a hobby to pursue... a family or friends you can help? Maybe you want a better home, or help the homeless. Or to buy a business for your family. Or let them take a well-earned vacation? Or perhaps you want to do some good work... to help others less fortunate. Of course, you can do all that without winning lotto. My wife returns home tomorrow after spending 3 weeks in Nigeria helping children and families with HIV. She told me by phone it was immensely rewarding for her, but there was no doubt that money would aid these people even more. Small amounts of money go towards helping families build micro-businesses that sustain them. Imagine if you did something like that - imagine how many thousands of unfortunate people you could help. Have you read the list of what winners have actually accomplished on my website? See it at the bottom of ? It makes interesting reading. Whatever you dream of, having a firm goal for your winnings is essential because it helps you remain grounded, stable. Getting a lot of money can be exciting and invigorating for a while. But then reality sets in. While money can insulate you from most of life's problems, you need more than that to attain personal growth... you still need a purpose. So what would you do with your millions? Do you have a powerful dream you can share with us? Whatever it is, start writing now! Put down in detail what you'd most like to do. Then email it to me at with "My Dream" in the subject line and I'll put your dream in the next LOTTO-TIPS newsletter ( I won't release your full name or email address of course, in line with my tough privacy conditions. Your dream will inspire others. And it will benefit you in others ways too - you'll get strength by seeing your dream in print. It will motivate you. It will inspire you. It will make you a richer person in spirit as well as in dollars because you have put your dream into writing, and that's the first step to carrying it out. Start now! I'm waiting for your dream. If you have a friend or know someone who needs the power of a dream to keep them going, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. They'll thank you for it! Warm regards, Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become #1 Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system!) ------------------------------------- Contact me by email: Ken Silver Publishing, PO Box 22-183, Khandallah, Wellington 6004, New Zealand. ------------------------------------- Want to read back copies of the LOTTO-TIPS newsletter? See: Buy my top-selling Lotto System. Check out my amazing 80.3% winning success rate here: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Friend, you requested this newsletter as or took the Millionaire Test. If you want to be one of 3 subscribers each issue to win a free Honest Lotto System (or get your money back if you bought it already), stay subscribed. If you don't want to receive it any more, just go to the link below. It's automatic and quick.