Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #261--Friend, Get This Success Recipe!

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BEFORE WE BEGIN: Don't forget, each issue I give away a copy of my Honest Lotto System in a draw, but to subscribers only. It could be you. Or if you've bought it already, then you get your full payment returned! So stay subscribed, and keep reading to see whether it's you.

Hi Friend,

Ken at your screen once more.

In a couple of days I'll be releasing my new service which is designed to increase your winning chances for just a few dollars a month. It will be only for Silverites (buyers of my Honest Lotto System), so if you haven't bought my system yet, don't miss out:

My 55-page "Lotto Secrets Revealed" manual has been read by over 6,300 readers and climbing. Have you seen it yet? All you have to do is let one friend know about it, and it's all yours for nothing. Get your copy from, then just email your friend and tell them to visit the website too.


Ever heard of the "Chicken Soup For The Soul" books?

Author Mark Victor Hansen has made a vast fortune writing and co-authoring this publishing phenomenon of over 60 titles.

Last year I was in Los Angeles and went along to one of his seminars. It was a empowering experience for many of the two thousand-strong audience there.

And today I received another of Mark's newsletters in which he talks about goal setting.

You know, when you set out to drive (or walk) to your lotto shop each week, clutching your tickets and high hopes, goal setting is the last thing you'll be thinking about.

Yet it's an absolutely essential step to riches.

Mark and I agree wholeheartedly on this subject.

Here's what Mark has written. Apply it to your own life and see the remarkable effect it will have on your dreams and aspirations. Winning lotto will help you in achieving your goals, so you need patience, persistence and a strong belief to get you there.

Mark Victor Hansen writes:


I am a big believer in goal setting. I know for sure that when you set a goal, and believe in your heart of hearts that it\'s going to come true. This Universal law has been proven to me over and over again throughout the years – basically it is "ask and you shall receive." The thing you desire the most will eventually come to fruition. But it\'s the "eventually" part that can be frustrating.

What do you do when you have wanted the same thing for so long – maybe waiting for years – and you still don\'t it? Just hang in there knowing that what you want is already yours.

THIS WEEK\'S LESSON: Having Faith And Trust Will Lead To Success.

When you know what you want and have done everything you can, the only thing you can do is have faith and trust that Infinite Intelligence is working to make your dreams a reality. Sometimes it takes a while. We have to know our dreams were ours the minute we decided we wanted them. They are manifesting themselves. We just need to be patient.

Is being patient an easy task? Not always. Sometimes it can even be depressing waiting for what we want to show up in physical form. But we have to realize if we weren\'t supposed to have what we dream about then we would never have had the dream. We just need to believe in our dreams and ourselves and allow the Universe to work in its own divine time.

You need dedication combined with
perspiration moving toward a
destination to get your ideal realization.


In closing this week, I'd like to offer an exercise to complete in the week ahead:

So, how do you keep the faith when it doesn\'t seem like anything is happening?

Stay focused. Stay focused. Stay focused.

Keep your mind focused on your goal. Don\'t allow present circumstances to fool you into thinking that this is your future circumstance. You know your future. You know what you\'ll be doing. It\'s manifesting itself right now. You just have to meet it and be ready when it arrives.

One way to do this is by "acting as if". Act as if you are already living in your dream home. (After all, you will be). Act as if the promotion or new job you desire is already yours. (In reality, it is.)

When you wake up in the morning I want you to close your eyes and see yourself living your dream. If a new job is what you really want, see yourself arriving at that new job, smiling and ready to go to work. If a new home is your dream, watch yourself as you walk outside to retrieve the morning paper. Turn around and look at your dream house. It\'s there. It\'s yours. You dreamed about it. Now it\'s a reality.

Do this 10 minutes every day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. "Act as if" until you are living your dream.

Mark Victor Hansen

You can get past issues of Rich Results or sign up for Mark's free weekly newsletter here:

Winning requires the right tools. Buy these now and become a winner:
My Honest Lotto System (soon going up in price):
My Customized Lotto Numbers (excellent quick start for your game):
My Powerball System (USA and Australia):
My Lotto Syndicate (no work needed!):
My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System:

New no-cost manual: "Lotto Secrets Revealed" (for essential extra knowledge):

If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you know someone who would benefit with the information in this message, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. (And don't worry, they won't get anything from me - they have to sign up for that).

Also ask them to visit for my freeeeee "Lotto Secrets Revealed" manual. I bet they'll thank you for it--especially if they buy my system and hit the jackpot!

WINNER: The Honest Lotto System Draw was won today by abbe****** Congratulations!

PS. Did you know you can see these newsletter articles on my blog?
Go to:

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners"
Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991
Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!)