Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #199--Friend, Are You Positively Positive?

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IMPORTANT: Each Lotto-Tips newsletter announces a lucky Free Draw winner for my system. Or if you've bought it already then you get your money returned! Keep reading...


Haven't bought my Honest Lotto System yet?
Look what others have won in the last few months
(genuine testimonials on file):

- $537,396.59 win by Maher M... the biggest yet.
- $175,000.00 miss by Larry... sadly an accident
stopped him from buying his winning tickets.
- $100,000.00 win by Ron B.
- $70,634.60.00 on the Canada 6/49 by Murray B.
- Numerous smaller wins of up to $5,000.00 by
many Silverites (buyers of my system)

If you buy today you may get A Huge 30% Discount,
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Go here now to be ready for this Saturday's game:

Hi Friend,

Ken here again...

Just to remind you that my Special Offer for the Free Lotto Book runs out in just 3 days. Go here before it nearly doubles in price: (take a look, and then you'll figure why a "free" book costs!)

And talking of price, what's the lowest price you think the cheapest slot machine winning system sells for? You'd be surprised. Visit my new review site:

And don't forget my list of top poker systems here:

That'll keep you busy for a few minutes! Don't forget to come back here.


Last issue I said I'll tell you about the dramatic improvements you can get in winning lotto by staying positive.

And I bet you looked sideways at my words and thought: "Ken, you've cracked up big-time... Just tell me how can I win a game of chance just by staying positive!"

Well, doubter you may be, but I will tell you - there's 3 ways:

1. Staying positive keeps you playing. And that's the most important part of winning lotto - taking part! Without your "entrance ticket" - the tickets you buy to get into the game - you'll get diddly squat. (That means nothing, my friend).

2. By being positive, you energize the players around you. Lotto is not a solitary game... it is meant to be enjoyed by many people. So gather everyone together round the tv when the game is drawn, and make a social occasion of it. See how the reinforcing effect is keeping you interested, and PLAYING?

3. Remember that a percentage of your play money goes to worthy causes. Clubs, charities, volunteer organizations... they all benefit by your generosity. And if you believe in karma - the attitude that what you give out will always come back manyfold, then that's your reward.

WINNER: The winner of this issue's free draw for an Honest Lotto System was wina***** Their win also allowed them to be an Honest Lotto System affiliate (Available only to buyers). Congratulations!

If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you know someone who would benefit with the information here, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. (And don't worry, they won't get anything from me - they have to sign up for that).

I guarantee they'll thank you for it--especially if they buy my system and win!

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners"
Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991
Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!)

Contact me by email here:
