Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #197--Friend, One Word That Will Make You A Winner

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IMPORTANT: Each Lotto-Tips newsletter announces a lucky Free Draw winner for my system. Or if you've bought it already then you get your money returned! Keep reading...


Haven't bought my Honest Lotto System yet?
Look what others have won in the last few months
(genuine testimonials on file):

- $537,396.59 win by Maher M... the biggest yet.
- $175,000.00 miss by Larry... sadly an accident
stopped him from buying his winning tickets.
- $100,000.00 win by Ron B.
- $70,634.60.00 on the Canada 6/49 by Murray B.
- Numerous smaller wins of up to $5,000.00 by
many Silverites (buyers of my system)

If you buy today you may get A Huge 30% Discount,
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Go here now to be ready for this Saturday's game:

Hi Friend,

Ken here again...

There are few lotto products I get excited about these days... they simply don't measure up to mine.

But there is one ebook that I back and promote 100%. It tells you where to find free lottos to play online. Yes, you can play lotto without money, and win millions!

It is such a great resource, every player should have it in their library.

But now the axe has fallen. Andrew, the author/researcher, is putting his price up - from a measly US$19 all the way to $30! (Yes, I actually suggested he should--it was just too much value for such a low price. I bet he wasn't making a dime from it!)

And this price rise will happen at midnight on April 1st... just a few days away. Quick, go and take a look:


If there's one word that almost everyone needs to use daily to make themselves a winner in almost every part of life, it's this one...

- It's a word that separates the short-term thinkers from the successful.

- A word that turns an amateur into a professional.

- A word that kills losing habits dead.

- A word I use all the time to you.

- A word that winners use all the time.

And that word is: Persistence.

Here's why...

Life and lotto are strangely connected. How often have you kept going on something, then given up, only to find the result was just round the corner? Happens all the time, and I get many emails from readers who start winning just after they thought they should give up.

Here's a great story about persistence of another kind...

One popular guy seemed to have a different girl on his arm every month, until one day his amazed friends asked him the secret. "It's easy," he laughed, "I just go up to every attractive girl I see, and ask them out."

He gets turned down 9 times out of 10.

But of course, the one time out of 10 results in a successful relationship. Through persistence.

Another story...

One of the most successful life insurance salesmen in the world, W Clement Stone, once revealed how he made his fortune. He discovered by counting his records, early on in his sale career, that he clinched one sale for every 100 phone calls he made.

That turned out to be his secret formula, and for many years he made sure he was making at least 100 calls a week. Persistently.

What is the common secret between the bachelor, the insurance salesman and you?

They keep persisting until the odds go in their favor.

Same with lotto.

You just keep going until that magic figure is gained, and you win your millions.

I use the same figure in my Winner's Circle (

Since it started back up over a month ago, I've got 100% win success from every game. Sometimes the wins are not large, but I get them!

That's more than can be said for millions of folks who set themselves up for an early failure:

1. They don't play a system (mine is best!
2. They don't continue playing - when carrying on for another week or two will finally bring in the winning pile.

What's that one word again?


You got it?

WINNER: The winner of this issue's free draw for an Honest Lotto System was penn*** Their win also allowed them to be an Honest Lotto System affiliate (Available only to buyers). Congratulations!

If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you know someone who would benefit with the information here, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. (And don't worry, they won't get anything from me - they have to sign up for that).
I guarantee they'll thank you for it--especially if they buy my system and win!

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners"
Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991
Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!)

Contact me by email here:
