Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #18--Friend, why multiple wins are so exciting

Welcome! You signed up as Easy "remove-me" instructions are below. But read this first... ------------------- Hi Friend, One of the real advantages of the Honest Lotto System is that it favors regular, multiple wins. We actually get a huge number of winners ...folks winning anything from free tickets, $20 and up, to a few thousand dollars. I've given up listing these on the testimonial page simply because there are so many. Here's an example, received yesterday: --- Hi Ken. Christine here. Your system is wonderful. Seeing that you asked - for the 11 times that I have bought lotto using your system, I have won 8 times...! Christine (address supplied) --- Multiple wins are very powerful because many people without a system spend x dollars on a lotto game and then it's gone entirely. Without the benefit of the Honest Lotto System and its amazing multiple win capability, this money is never recovered. So the Honest Lotto System gives you the chance of reclaiming some of that 'lost' playing money back. (Have you bought it yet? If not, go here now: ) Remember, the purpose of my system is not to get you into the 80% win situations I have been getting, or to get your lotto ticket money back. You may not do that until you achieve a major win. My aim is to keep your ticket costs down as much as possible and increase your chances of a major win. The Honest Lotto System does that by keeping your numbers bubbling... on the boil...preparing for the big win. Here's another winner with the largest win of $1,100.00 in his pocket, and multiple other wins (letter shortened, he's VERY ENTHUSIASTIC!): --- HI KEN DAVE HERE THIS IS JUST WILD I HAVE WON 17 TIMES IN A ROW WITH YOUR LOTTO SYSTEM!!! WOW WOW WOW THANKYOU KEN!... ...I'M WINNING JUST NOT BIG YET, BUT IT WILL HAPPEN I CAN FEEL IT 17 TIMES IN A ROW LOWEST BEING 20.00 HIGHEST BEING 1100.00 NOT TO SHABBY AT ALL KEN! I'M A BELIEVER YAHOOOOOO!! WARMEST REGARDS D. E. K. (name supplied) PLEASE EXCUSE THE CAPS I HAVE BAD EYES! --- As you know, nothing is predictable, even 17 wins in a row. But the Honest Lotto System puts you up in the top possibility bracket. So when a win is due, you will be standing with your hand out and a big smile on your face - maybe many times over! ANONYMOUS INCOME... So life is a bit tough at the moment, right? You want to buy my system, or maybe spend more on Lotto to improve your win chances? But the paypacket isn’t stretching that far this week. Saturday's coming up fast and you need some ready money. There's an easy answer you can put into place right now. You can be ready to start earning good money in just a couple of weeks. Hundreds of people are doing it, and some are raking in many thousands of dollars a month too! It's free, costs you nothing if you wish, so every dollar is pure profit. And you can be anonymous too... no-one will ever knows it's you, if you want. I'm talking about the resellers. You could be one today, in less than a minute or two. These energetic people find ways to sell the Honest Lotto System to others, and get a cool US$20 each sale for their efforts. One affiliate has earned nearly US$7,540 in two weeks. All those twenties pile up, don't they! Now, most big earners have an established ezine or website. But sometimes my resellers don’t do anything more than pin a notice up in the office canteen or staffroom. Some maybe photocopy a few more notices and hand them round, or even deliver them to homes around their area. Their notices might read like this: --- Lotto Success System! You could win 8 out of 10 times with the Honest Lotto System. See how at --- Others might put a classified in their local paper: "Win Lotto 8 out of 10 times? " Still others might have a mailing list or ezine with a few hundred or thousand subscribers. It might be on an entirely different subject, collecting butterflies or pushing weights. These clever folks will slip in an ad in the middle for the Honest Lotto System. They might just write: "I couldn’t believe that someone has published a lotto system formula that has won him lotto prizes 8 out of every 10 games he's played!" And they'll go on to explain where readers can see it. Want to try being a reseller? You've got nothing to lose... your name doesn’t appear anywhere--so you won't be embarrassed about putting it in your church notices! That's because there is only one thing you need - and it doesn’t have your name on - your very own ClickBank nickname. Once you have that, you can put the ClickBank URL anywhere, and no-one knows it's connected with you. The only people who know are ClickBank, because whenever an Honest Lotto System is sold, they send you a check every two weeks. To get your ClickBank nickname, just go here: and follow the easy instructions. It's your very own nickname, a special name you make up and keep forever. You just insert it into the Honest Lotto URL where I show you on this page: then start spreading it around! Here's a tip: approach a popular newsletter (not mine!) and ask the price of placing a small 3 line ad. The cost may pleasantly surprise you! PART II UPDATE... Yes, this is still coming! One of the delays is the extensive number-crunching I need to do, and a link-up with another lotto project coming soon. Stay subscribed for some exciting news on it soon! PLAYER'S UPDATE... In previous newsletters this year I've given quite a bit of advice. So here are some of the important bits again to jog your memory: 1) Try and avoid 7 ball games. The odds are too high. 2) Instead, play 5 or 6 ball games that contain as few numbers as possible. 3) You can use the Honest Lotto System in most countries. 4) Use real money to test the system. You'll kick yourself if you win only on paper! 5) Set yourself goals with your time and playing money. Be professional. 6) Don't worry about losses. Consider them an essential entry fee. 7) Play less often, and use more Profile lines. Most players wrongly do this the other way round. Above all - persist! Hang in there, and your time will come. Warm regards, Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 Buy my top-selling Lotto System. Check out my amazing 80.3% winning success rate here: See real people winning with the Honest Lotto System Earn US$20 each time someone buys my Honest Lotto System. (Ka-ching! Another sale while you snooze or go on vacation!) Discover & play the top Free Online Lotteries. You'll only find them with this Guide: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ INSTANT HELP ~Do you need numbers or information for a Lotto game not included in your manual? ~For problems with your PDF files or password: ~To see the Honest Lotto System FAQ: ~How much does it cost in another currency?