Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #121--Friend, why you should play often

Friend, you requested this Newsletter at If you want to unsubscribe, just hit the link at the bottom. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TODAY - Honest Lotto System... Get A Huge 30% Discount, Trippple G'tee and $150 Numbers Workshop Bonus: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi Friend, Ken Silver again... # TODAY'S TIP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ One of the real advantages of the Honest Lotto System is that it favors regular, multiple wins - as well as putting you in the play for the Big Win. We actually get a huge number of winners...folks winning anything from free tickets, $100 and up, to over $78,000 a few weeks back. I've given up listing these on the testimonial page simply because there are so many. Here's an example about frequency: --- Hi Ken. ... for the 11 times that I have bought lotto using your system, I have won 8 times...! Christine (address supplied) --- Multiple wins are very powerful because many people without a system spend x dollars on a lotto game and then it's gone entirely. Without the benefit of the Honest Lotto System and its amazing multiple win capability, this money is never recovered. So the Honest Lotto System gives you the chance of reclaiming some of that 'lost' playing money back. Remember, the purpose of my system--unlike most others--is not to get you into the 80% win situations I have been getting, or to get your lotto ticket money back. You may not do that until you achieve a major win. My aim is to keep your ticket costs down as much as possible, and also increase your chances of a major win. The Honest Lotto System does that by keeping your numbers bubbling... on the boil...preparing for the big win. But you need to play often to achieve that. Here's another winner with $1,100.00 in his pocket and multiple other wins (letter shortened, he's VERY ENTHUSIASTIC!): --- HI KEN DAVE HERE THIS IS JUST WILD I HAVE WON 17 TIMES IN A ROW WITH YOUR LOTTO SYSTEM!!! WOW WOW WOW THANKYOU KEN!... ...I'M WINNING JUST NOT BIG YET, BUT IT WILL HAPPEN I CAN FEEL IT 17 TIMES IN A ROW LOWEST BEING 20.00 HIGHEST BEING $1100.00 NOT TO SHABBY AT ALL KEN! I'M A BELIEVER YAHOOOOOO!! WARMEST REGARDS D. E. K. (name supplied) PLEASE EXCUSE THE CAPS I HAVE BAD EYES! --- As you know, nothing is predictable, even 17 wins in a row. But the Honest Lotto System puts you up in the top possibility bracket. So when a win is due, you will be standing with your hand out and a big smile on your face - maybe many times over! If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you know someone who would benefit with the information here, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. They'll thank you for it! Happy winning! Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!) ------------------------------------- Contact me by email here: -------------------------------------