Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #118--Friend, 5 essential checks for your game

Friend, you requested this Newsletter at If you want to unsubscribe, just hit the link at the bottom. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Price Rises At Midnight Monday... Get A Huge 30% Discount, Trippple G'tee and $150 'Numbers Workshop' Bonus: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi Friend, Ken Silver again... I got an email yesterday from Perry, a long-time Honest Lotto System client, about my impending price rise which ends midnight Monday. He said: "Ken, I can quite understand you wanting to put your price up. I've looked at many systems and almost all of them are up to $50 more expensive than yours. And yet yours is the only one that shows people actually winning something." How can I argue with that logic? My system has been underpriced for far too long: And I'm considering putting up the Lotto-80 system price as well. It is also far too low at the current rate of just $7.95 per month: # TODAY'S TIP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Whatever lotto game you decide to play, first check: 1) It is state backed. Make sure your government is behind it for added security. 2) Do not play games that use computer generated numbers. Make sure they are real balls - ping pong balls are most common - in a washer barrel machine. 3) The draw is a continuous one filmed from start to end without a break. Why? There's some rumors going round that the computer generated random numbers (RNG) some games use may not be secure. There is a chance that they could be manipulated, hijacked or have hidden features that alter the draw. This also applies to online lotto as well. The chances of getting a win when you can't physically see the numbers being drawn makes these difficult to play without risk. The best way to get entirely random numbers and be sure of your game is to: (a) Monitor the numbers from past draws and ensure they don't follow a strange or unexplained pattern, and, (b) Play games that have a manual number selection with no human intervention and plenty of security. No computer-generated numbers! Affiliate Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I have made some important changes to my affiliate system. Now you need to be an Honest Lotto System buyer before you can become an exclusive affiliate. It's because I strongly believe that you need to be able to promote the system from your personal knowledge. This makes for a more competent approach, and a stronger sales strategy for you. So now when you purchase the Honest Lotto System you'll automatically get an e-mail showing you how to join my affiliate system. If you have already bought the system and want to join, just send me an e-mail with your request. More brief details here: If you think this article will be useful to your friends, or you know someone who would benefit with the information here, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. They'll thank you for it! Happy winning! Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!) ------------------------------------- Contact me by email here: -------------------------------------