Subject: LOTTO-TIPS #117--Friend,success begins with a P.

Friend, you requested this Newsletter at If you want to unsubscribe - just hit the link at the bottom. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Buy Before The Price Rise... Today You Get A Huge 30% Discount, Trippple G'tee and $150 'Numbers Workshop' Bonus: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi Friend, Ken Silver again... It's official... the price of the Honest Lotto System will rise at midnight on Monday next. Just remember, you'll need the system first to get either the Custom Profile ( or to join my Lotto-80 system ( Buy it here now - it'll never be cheaper: # TODAY'S TIP I can't emphasis enough how important Persistence is to your play. Many people fail because they don't have this "P" word trait, or carry that tiny spark of enthusiasm that keeps their nose to the grindstone. To improve your own Persistence level, do these often: - Play regularly, on a set day each time. This gives you something to look forward to. If you decide to play only when you feel like it, that won't work as well. Consistency counts. - Inspire yourself. Dream a little about what you will spend your winnings on. Talk to your partner or friends and get a little crazy over how you'll spend your windfall. It may be helping family and friends have an easier life, or splurging out on luxuries for yourself. Make it wild and vivid! - Think about philanthropy--giving some of your win away quietly to needy causes. Imagine what it would feel like to make an anonymous donation of $100,000 to your local church or community center, for example. Imagine the smile of satisfaction you get each time you pass by the building YOU helped build, and seeing the people you helped get better lives for themselves. - Don't hype yourself up. Too big a 'win' expectation means a big disappointment if you don't get what you hoped for. Just keep reminding yourself... "this is not my day - next week will be better!" Persistence worked for JMR: --- Hi Ken, I bought your system about two years ago, and I have been a constant winner since. To date I have won $33,675.00! My last win was this past Wednesday (02/04/2004) when I knocked off another $1,370.00! J.M.R. (name and email supplied) --- If you think this article will be useful to a friend, or you know someone who would benefit with the information here, send this email to them fast! Just press "Forward" in your email menu, and write their email address in the "To" field. They'll thank you for it! Happy winning! Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 Head of the Silverites (buyers of my system--and thank you!) ------------------------------------- Contact me by email here: -------------------------------------