Subject: LOTTO EXTRA - Friend, This news will make you jump off your seat!

You're getting this special EXTRA edition as a Lotto-Tips subscriber. Enjoy!

Hi Friend,

A while back, after months of work, I thought I had almost finished my new project.

Then just a few weeks ago I discovered some extra information which shot the winning odds through the roof.

So I held back and worked on the figures some more.

And I pleased to tell you that my work is now almost completed - and also for the first time I can tell you the project name:

Silver Lotto System Pro. (Pretty original, huh?)

Here's a couple of things you might want to know about the Silver Lotto System Pro:

1. It uses the Silver Lotto System. Yes, my original system is so successful that it will never change. It provides a sound base for the Pro version.

2. You'll get unbelievable results. I'm still amazed at the high winning percentages with this system. I can't give figures yet, but they will make your face look like a test pilot in a wind tunnel.

3. If you don't have the Silver Lotto System - but want to get started right now, you can buy it while you wait for the Pro to launch. And you won't lose out. That's because I'll also be offering a version of Pro at a cheaper rate for those who already own the Silver Lotto System.

You can buy the Silver Lotto System now and get going. After all, it could take anything from 2 days to 2 weeks to get the Pro version launched. But I'm working as fast as I can.

Get started here if you don't have the Silver Lotto System:

And keep watching for the news.

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
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