Subject: LOTTO EXTRA - Friend, This news will make you jump off your seat!

You're getting this special EXTRA edition because you downloaded my freee ebook and you're on the list for new announcements. Enjoy!

Hi Friend,

A while back, after months of work, I thought I had almost finished my new project.

Then just a few weeks ago I discovered some extra information which shot the winning odds through the roof.

So I held back and worked on the figures some more.

And I pleased to tell you that my work is now almost completed - and also for the first time I can tell you the project name:

Silver Lotto System Pro. (Pretty original, huh?)

Here's a couple of things you might want to know about the Silver Lotto System Pro:

1. It uses the Silver Lotto System. Yes, my original system is so successful that it will never change. It provides a sound base for the Pro version.

2. You'll get unbelievable results. I'm still amazed at the high winning percentages with this system. I can't give figures yet, but they will make your face look like a test pilot in a wind tunnel.

3. If you don't have the Silver Lotto System - but want to get started right now, you can buy it while you wait for the Pro to launch. And you won't lose out. That's because I'll also be offering a version of Pro at a cheaper rate for those who already own the Silver Lotto System.

You can buy the Silver Lotto System now and get going. After all, it could take anything from 2 days to 2 weeks to get the Pro version launched. But I'm working as fast as I can.

Get started here if you don't have the Silver Lotto System:

And keep watching for the news.

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"
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