Subject: LOTTO-DAILY--You Only Hit What You Aim At.

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"You only hit what you aim at."

I came across that quote just now in an interview with Sun
technologist Bill Joy, and I thought it was a hugely revealing

It's another way of saying that you get what you ask for.

And my question to you is this - are you asking enough?

For all the years I've been studying both business and winning
the lottery, there is been one common factor has stuck out.

Most folk who have succeeded have aimed high.

They may have sold a lot of little things, or played a lot of
smaller lottery games.

But combined, together it was a lot.

A big lot.

Others would go for the large ticket items.

And those who were selling these items - well, they were big
too. So they needed to sell less to make the same large profit.

Whichever way you look at it, big was the main factor.

So, are you aiming - and aiming high?

Are you asking for more then enough?

Here are several ways you can do it:

1. Don't be content with playing just one game a week. Enter in
several games across the board. Whatever you do, make sure that
the number of games you're playing are big.

2. Play the games with the largest payoff. While that seems an
easy answer, it might also work if you play the games that are
not that popular for one reason or another. It'll give you an

3. Raise your limits. Instead of only playing a few lines or a
couple of tickets each week, get the advantage of my Lotto-80
system and play big. You only need to do this once every few
weeks. And you set the budget so you are still spending the same
each month.

"MAJOR PRIZE WON - I GOT $100,000.00!"

I won $100,000 using your Silver Lotto System
and the clever Lotto-80 system. Its been the
biggest amount I've won since I bought your
systems a couple of years ago, but I never
paid out more than $1,000 so its been a real bonus.
F.B. (fio********

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

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My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since
1991, and on Special today:

Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System
yourself? I'll do them for you:

My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Gets you the best advantage
every game with an easy red and green light play indicator:

Silver Lotto PRO System: A tri-combination of the Silver Lotto
System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected
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My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA
and Australian Powerball:

My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14
lines - played for you. You don't have to do a thing:

Silver Lotto Sites: Get your own affiliate website business
already to go, and spend just 5 minutes a day emailing:

ABOUT ME: Ken Silver

I'm one of the early e-commerce adopters, selling my ebooks
online since 1995 and helping others achieve success through my
top-selling Silver Lotto System, a unique program which I
developed in 1991. There are hundreds of testimonials on my
websites which prove that anyone can win a lottery prize in
almost every game using my systems.

I've also written several top-selling ebooks in other markets,
including the million-seller "eBook Secrets."

If you want to make an excellent living reselling my products,
see my Lotto Affiliate Center at Recently I increased the
selling commission rate to 60%, and it's now one of the best
rates available for these kinds of products.

Copyright ©2010 Ken Silver
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anything through a link in this email, you should assume that I
may be paid in some way. Don't worry, I'll spend it wisely.