Subject: LOTTO-DAILY--Why I Missed Out On A Weekend $22,000 Win - 5 Crazy Lessons You Can Learn From

I've released free lotto predictions on my blog
today from my secret Lotto-80 membership site!

Take a look here:

How did you get on with last Saturday's game?

Recently I missed out winning over $22,000 in a weekend game
because I was too busy to play.

My numbers came in, but my tickets (and brain) were out! I don't
have an excuse... even though I had a trip up country the
following day. I just didn't get round to it.

Like me, Kumaran missed out playing... and there's $500,000 he'll
never see:

Hi Ken,
Just thought I update you. The good news
is 5 out of 6 (and the additional number)
were in, in the last draw.
The bad news is I had not bought the tickets.
I'll be persistent from this time onwards...
How do you do it Ken?

And of course there's my friend Lester R who missed out on $1
million! You can see his sob story on

While any miss is disappointing, there are plenty of fish in the
sea... many more opportunities in the next game, and the next.
You've just got to climb back on the horse and try again.

Some players find it hard to bounce back after a losing streak.
Others blame the system, the weather, bad luck. Sorry friend,
it's all down to how often you play!

Here's how anyone can improve their persistence in 5 simple

1) Believe that your winning day will come.
As you've seen in the many testimonials on my web sites, my
system works for many people. These winners to continue to play
even when the last game was a no-win. They know the power of the
system. They have stickability and persistence... and sooner or
later it pays off.

2) Refuse to acknowledge misses.
Whenever there are top people in their field, you can bet they
got there through determination. Not all of them are
exceptionally gifted, they're just hugely focused. Most have lost
big-time in their lives, but fought on to make a comeback. Read
any book on any of life's winners and you will discover the same
thing... they all possess a gritty determination against huge
odds. I get a few emails from Silverites who whine and whinge
about not getting any wins, or having to pay too much. If they
only realized that the lottery is the ONLY way to gain millions
of dollars for less than the cost of a hamburger, they would sing
a different tune!

3) Have a bigger goal.
If you give up too soon, it's probably because you haven't set
your winning target high enough. Don't expect to win in 2 year's
time by dwindling out your play money. Tell yourself you are
going to make it in two months! Then plan to make your winning a
reality by playing more in the games that give you the best

4) Get a ritual going.
Go down to your local lottery shop at the same time each week. Go
with the same friend each time. Park in the same spot if you can
(or like me, walk - it's better for you). See the same assistant
to have your tickets processed. Buy a paper and have a coffee
afterwards in the same shop. These small rituals build on your
play tactics so you'll feel as if you're missing out when you
don't do it. That gives you an automatic incentive to keep going.
Once you've done this a number of times, it will be easy to
continue automatically through the no-win periods.

5) Enjoy the game.
You might only play 3 games before you build up a good winning
streak... or you may need to play more. But whatever the number
it takes, remember - it's not rocket science. You don't have to
perform any mumbo-jumbo to do your tickets using my system. Trust
the system to work for you.

One more tip... if you have had a string of bad luck in your
past, don't worry. Winning a lotto game does NOT depend on how
much bad luck you've had in your life. Luck only plays a tiny

As long as you keep moving and trying each week, you will
make your own good luck.

Winners do more, play more, work harder. That's all you need to
do too, to change your circumstances.

Read Kathy's testimony below - it's great example:

...recently won $500.00 with your system,
a few weeks ago and $50,000.00 on Jan. 11...
Jeff W.

Hi Ken, I just wanted to write and let you know that after
purchasing your lotto system I have entered the XLotto here in
Australia 6 times and 5 out of the 6 I have won prizes, they may
not have been the big one but they were wins, something that
didn't happen when I used to get the easypick. The newsagent
can't believe it when go in each time to get my winnings. I know
only time will give me the big one and using your system will
help me do that. Thanks again its an amazing system.
Sandi M (name and address supplied)

Ken, i won on 6/49 couple weeks ago 4/6 and won again 5/6 for
5136.00 in three weeks have had your program for two years but
haven't stopped winning from 10$ to 20$ to 82.50 and so on. all
the best and good luck to all Just believe
r mc ardle

Dear Ken,
It took 3 months of trying but I finally made it!
I got $4340.00 last week through your lotto
program with several winning tickets. It took a
while before I even got some wins and they were
small $20 ones, but as you told me I kept going
and it paid off!! This is really handy just in
time for my sons birthday.
Thanks a lot!!
Kathy G.

Have you got everything you need to start winning? Get them in
these steps:

1. Silver Lotto System:
2. Lotto-80 System:
3. PRO System:

And if you've won any prize using my system, share your good
fortune with us here:

And don't forget to see today's predicted games from my secret
Lotto-80 membership site here:

Follow me on Twitter:

Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"
Instant Help:

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My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since
1991, and on Special today:

Custom Profiles: Don't want to fill out your Silver Lotto System
yourself? I'll do them for you:

My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Lets you choose the best time
to enter every game with an easy red and green light play
indicator... for just the price of a hamburger a month:

Silver Lotto PRO System: A combination of the Silver Lotto
System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected
winning percentage to an amazing 98% for me:

My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA
and Australian Powerball:

My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14
lines, played for you. You don't have to do a thing:

ABOUT ME: Ken Silver

I've been selling my ebooks online since 1995 and helping others
achieve lottery success through my best-selling Silver Lotto
System, a unique program which I developed in 1991. There are
hundreds of testimonials on my websites which prove that anyone
can win a lottery prize in almost every lotto game in the world
using my systems.

I've also written several top-selling ebooks in other markets,
including the million-seller "eBook Secrets."

If you have bought one of my systems and want to resell my
products, see my Lotto Affiliate Center at There's a heap of
info and tools to use there. I give a commission to all my
affiliates of 75% - the highest currently available, and paid out
by 100% reliable ClickBank so you never have to worry.

Copyright ©2012 Ken Silver
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