Subject: LOTTO DAILY--Today's Wise Winning Advice From A Lottery Veteran

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Yeah, I'm a lottery veteran.

Been active with my System around for 22 years now.

But like just now, I still get excited each time I complete the LottoPredict results and think of the hundreds of new winners I'll be making this week.

To me it's still incredible that I can help players into wins.

Players who have limited funds for tickets benefit the most with LottoPredict because they get to squeeze the last drip of winning odds from each ticket when they use this program.

And I love its ease of use.

Works like this:

Sign in and look for your game.

If you use the basic Silver Lotto System, then see if LottoPredict has a green, red or orange square opposite your game.

Everyone knows green is for go, so you're safe to spend up to your budget on that game.

If there's a red NO, stay calm...there's another option...

PRO Custom Profiles.

With PRO Custom Profiles you can play EVERY game no matter whether it's a 100% YES, NO, 75%, 50% or 25% option.

PRO lets you sail through all these - to play when YOU want to.

LottoPredict has got to be the best module you can use for your game, ever.

It's an option... you'll still get up to 98% win rate with your basic Silver Lotto System.

But LottoPredict kicks the game into a whole other ballpark.

Makes it faster to win, and we all want that!

Get it at the "LottoPredict" tab in your Silver Lotto Membership Site.

Or order here (slightly cheaper with a bulk buy, not as convenient, takes 24 hours to sign up)...

Let's get you winning this week!

Want to see if you won? Check out your game's winning results and see sample free predicted games from my Lotto-80 membership site:

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Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"

Copyright ©2013 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved (but you can share it round intact!)

You're receiving this daily email because you want to win the lottery and you signed up at one of my websites. Every article helps you win faster and easier, or tells you something useful about winning the lottery.