Subject: LOTTO DAILY--This One Word Saves You $100 And Wins You Games

You're receiving this daily email because you signed up at one of my
websites. Enjoy!

First, if you haven't bought the Silver Lotto System, here's one word that
says why you should.


OK, maybe it's two words run together, but you get my drift.

NumberCheck is a unique service that no-one else in the lottery world

I ask you a few questions about your play and numbers, and then...

Tell you how to improve them to win more, faster. And I'll keep doing it
until you win big!

But there's a problem...

Because of the time it takes to do the analysis, I have to limit the number
of buyers I can let on board.

At the moment I'm almost full up, just a few spaces left.

Jump over to the order form and see if there's a space for you.

Then grab ithe System before it runs out:

By the way, if you're already a Silver Lotto Member, then you're good to go
for this service! I always look after my Silverites!

Here's something nice...

Sometimes a comment will make my day.

It's then I feel my daily effort has all been worthwhile.

From Helen:

"Ken, I can't thank you enough for creating this system and sharing it. I
have always felt deep in my bones, since I was very young, that I would one
day win a lottery jackpot. I played randomly for years and often became
discouraged about my dream and would give up. But using your system, and
with the small wins each time I play, I'm not discouraged any longer. You
have given me a plan and I now see the sheer inevitability of winning big
at some point!"

All the best Helen. You have a great mental strategy, which guarantees

Don't forget to get your Silver Lotto System with free NumberCheck:

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Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"

Copyright ©2013 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved (but you can share it round intact!)

You're receiving this daily email because you want to win the lottery and
you signed up at one of my websites. Every article helps you win faster and
easier, or tells you something useful about winning the lottery.