Subject: LOTTO DAILY - Million-Dollar Silver Lotto Winner's Shock

You're getting my daily Lotto-Tips because you bought from me (thanks!), or subscribed. You can see all issues on my blog at Enjoy!

Hi Friend,

I've just got off the phone after speaking to a friend in Australia.

He's in shock.

You see, he just now discovered his Silver Lotto System numbers had clinched him a milllion bucks.

But then he asked me a most unusual question - for a winner that is...

"Do I play the same numbers again next game?"

And here's the reason for that strange query:

He didn't play!

He was staring at the winning numbers for that milllion-dollar game, the one he hadn't played.

You and I would be devastated if that happened to us, but he took the news in good spirit.

He's that kind of guy, always positive.

After I commiserated with him on his loss, I answered the question he posed.

And I'll tell you more about that in a minute.

Look, every moment of this short life is precious. You simply can't afford to let oppportunities slip away at any stage of your plan to win big.

It only takes one memory slip, one failed trip to the lotto store... to lose the greatest gift of all... personal freedom. Freedom from financial worry, from that boring job, from the countless ways that the world tells us we should be happier.

The tickets you are holding in your hand right now could be your ticket to a life you've always dreamed of... a carefree and happy lifestyle without debt or struggle.

Like my friend Lester, you could be just a few steps away from extreme success and early retirement... but only IF you act now!

The one word in the English language that is the most powerful to use, right now, after this sad, missed moment - is ACTION.

Don't have a ticket yet? Action! Get in the car and head down to your local lotto store right now!

Don't have my system yet? Action! Click on this link and buy the world's most successful system right now!

Do you know how many Silver Lotto System buyers fail to win, like Lester?

I'll tell you - hundreds that I know about.

And probably more that I don't.

"I am sorry to say that I had all 5 numbers for the Illinois Little Lotto last Thursday and did not play unfortunately... resulting in my not winning the $175,000 pot."
Larry C.
"I failed to play on Wed, but my numbers would have won a ticket with 5 out of 6 numbers and a couple of 3's!!"
Rosalind D.
"I missed a drawing which 5 of 6 numbers were picked in your list that I downloaded. I keep telling myself why didn't I play these numbers."
Al A.
"My friend, who I left the copy of your system at her house, who also helped me calculate the numbers in your system, called me yesterday, Thanksgiving day, screaming I had 5 numbers in the system that paid $5,000.00. I informed her that I didn't play the numbers, even though I had planned to play them for myself, instead, I left the numbers in my office."
Charles J.

Don't be one of these failures to ACT.

Lester has promised to write me a testimonial, and when I receive it I'll let you know.

But don't hang around waiting for his words of regret.

Take Action!

Move now to start your dream life.

And the answer I gave him about new tickets?

Yes, change your numbers.

If you have a major win - or like Lester, if you have already worked out your numbers but didn't play (same thing... it's a win), you need to change your numbers straight away before the next game.

As you know, it's an easy 30 minute task you do only once - or you can get them done for you here:

But don't hesitate.

You have only got 48 hours or less before Saturday's draw.

Get ready by buying the system and starting now:

"I would have won Second Division in a major
Lottery Draw if I had have purchased this system
a week earlier!"
Vanessa F.

Regret... it's a sad word.

Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

My Silver Lotto System... still the lottery best-seller since 1991, and on Special Today:

My Customized Lotto Numbers (excellent quick start for your game):

My Lotto-80 Predictive Play System: Gets you the best advantage every game with an easy red and green light play indicator.

Silver Lotto PRO System: A tri-combination of the Silver Lotto System, Lotto-80 and 4 Custom Profiles that shoots the expected winning percentage to an amazing 99%.

My PowerSpread System: Specialized Silver Lotto System for USA and Australian Powerball.

My Lotto Syndicate: Get 4,200 lines for the same price as 14 lines - played for you. You don't have to do a thing.
