Subject: LOTTO DAILY-- Live Like Harry Potter's Author

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Last night I watched a documentary about the author of the Harry Potter book series, JK Rowling.

The 2007 British documentary was fascinating for many reasons. Because this is the first time she has opened up to the camera and exposed her lavish lifestyle.

The hour-long film followed her for a year, ending at the launch of her last book "Deathly Hallows."

There was even a point in the doco where she gave a couple of dramatic taps on her computer keyboard and announced the book was finished.

Re-enactment or not, it was an interesting moment. She shuffled some papers together, wiped her forehead, actually looked relieved.

What came across dramatically in this film... more than how her unhappy childhood impacted on her writing... more than how her unhappy first marriage started the first novel as a way of escape... more than her period of depression...

...was her barely-contained delight in the vast wealth she possessed.

She said, several times, how much happier she was today that at any point earlier. And it wasn't hard to discover what caused her intense joy as she sat in the luxurious leather seat in her private jet on her way across the Atlantic...


Loads of it. Maybe half a billion according to some reports.

We may not have her talent, skills or resources to produce a series of novels like her.

But we can use her other essential skill: tenacity. Call it persistence - whatever, it's how she got there. A driving force that kept her going through the years to final and overwhelming success.

We can duplicate this with our game and - with the same luck she had - grab a piece of the money-cake and change our lives dramatically.

Maher M did it with a Silver Lotto System win of $3.2 milllion. Other Silverites have done it with smaller amounts of $100k or so.

If you get the chance to go for gold with lotto - like JKR, you must move on it.

Quickly, persistently, until you achieve success.

There's no doubt you can live like this famous author - and without all the hassle that fame brings with it.

Just make a start.

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Happy winning!
Ken Silver
"Helping People Profit Since 1991"

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