Subject: LOTTO DAILY-- Jared's Ranch Story

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"Hi Ken,
I read your newsletter short while back about visualizing your
future. I've been doing this for a long time and it has always
worked most of the time I needed it. But I gotta tell you about
the best deal it sort of produced for me last week.

I bought your program and I filled out these profiles from your
instructions. It took a while Ken, I'm not the brightest guy in
the class, I'm telling you straight. Probably took longer than
anything I've done. But I stuck to it as you're always telling us
to stick with it.

The main thing that kept me going was the ranch I want, 1000
acres of natural grass and plenty of cattle. I kept thinking
those positivity thoughts for whatever I did.

So my good thoughts kept me going through the filling out
process, and I got down to the store. Dan's the man behind the
counter, and he is one of those Main Street retailer characters,
plenty of fun. We punched those tickets through the computer till
faster than a slippery pig in a barrel. When we finished I went
out and bought me a coffee. Don't mind telling you I put a lot of
money on those tickets and I had some nerves needed calming.

Anyway, I didn't even look at the draw on the night. I was going
to get the tickets done by the machine (thats your advice I
heeded partner!!). When I rolled up outside Dan's store, I didn't
know what to expect. Well, I was thrown. Those numbers clanged
out the till and Dan got excited, and so did I, and 50,000 and
some change came right at me, beeping like a banshee.

Dan said he didn't have enough in his till to pay me out. Sense
of humor that guys got. I had to hightail it into town and pay a
visit to the lotto people in their fancy building. Here's my
check photo.

The ranch deal is still bubbling, 50,000 is not enough to get me
there yet. But the visualizing stuff kept me going when I was
about to give up. I've stacked the money away, maybe get use it
as deposit on a ranch somehow. Will write you when something
comes along.

You can use this letter to tell other folk that your method
works real well.

I'm sure grateful to you.
Yours truly,
Jared S."

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Ken Silver
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