Subject: LOTTO DAILY--Follow This $2 Million-A-Day Guy To Increase Your Winning Chances This Week

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Most Silverites understand how the System works.

But occasionally I'll get querying emails from some players.

And generally the questions are concerning why they have only won a few
dollars after a number of games.

They both wonder how I'm able to pull in win after win, hitting the famous
98% win rate I often talk about, when they don't see the same results.

When I ask what games they play and how much they are investing, it's a
different story altogether.

In fact, like most players who don't get my percentages, they are playing
wrong by not following my instructions.

Here's 3 Rules they should be using, and how you too can increase your odds
by following this $2 million-a-day Master of the bet:

Find out how here: "Follow This $2 Million-A-Day Guy To Increase Your
Winning Chances..." at

And by the way, in the next newsletter I'm going to reveal many
little-known tips on this guy's betting philosophy.

And how you can learn to better play the lottery from his success.

Read 800+ more articles like this at

Want to see if you won? Check out your game's winning results and see
sample free predicted games from my Lotto-80 membership site:

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Make Every Playday a Payday!
Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"

Copyright ©2013 Ken Silver
All Rights Reserved (but you can share it round intact!)

You're receiving this daily email because you want to win the lottery and
you signed up at one of my websites. Every article helps you win faster and
easier, or tells you something useful about winning the lottery.