Subject: LOTTO DAILY--Can A Lottery System Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off?

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This is lottery information for fat people wanting to get thin. Because the
system that helped me to win the lottery - I use to lose weight.

Let me explain...

If I could find an old fashioned cloth tape measure, I'd measure my waist.

In the mirror I can see it's not far off my college size some 50 years ago.

And better still, for many months I've been a consistant plus or minus a
pound each day. Normal variation in other words.

When I look in the mirror, I'm almost as lean as I was - all that time ago
- at school.

How did I do it?

I decided to discover what actually worked, simplify it, and apply it.

But I wasn't going to follow the same old boring method that every
weight-watcher goes through.

And astoundingly the first idea I had turned out to be the perfect answer.

It was based on my Silver Lotto System.

Here's how I figured it out...

My lotto system works by taking away the 'bad' number combinations. So I
thought if I could do the same with foods, I'd be onto a winner.

And I was.

That was a few years back, and now my weight hasn't varied more than a
pound each way.

I don't exercise for more than 30 minutes a day. Nor have I changed my
eating habits much.

My food system works - not because of what I eat - but what I leave out.

I call them 'banned' foods.

It's a silly description, maybe a little scary, but I couldn't think of
anything better at the time.

Though the term is accurate, it implies that you have to give up the good
life to get thin again.

Well, for the most part you do. Because the good life makes you fat. No

But what I did was make the whole process so incredibly SIMPLE that you
don't even have to remember any charts, times or weights.

You don't have to worry if a food group is on a list, or not.

So I first found the answer to losing weight, then I simplified it so that
it's a no-brainer.

Now, at the start I was a little embarrassed about selling this manual.

After all, the solution was so simple that I figured I'd be a laughing
stock in the weightloss world.

But that never happened.

I expected buyers in their thousands to return the manual for a refund once
they saw how simple it was.

But that never happened either. I think only one person has written me,
saying she felt a little light headed after following my plan and wanted
her money back.

One in many thousands, that's a pretty good result.

Now, I'm going to mention two things you should check before buying my

First, if you think that you will buy it, try it, and give it back because
it seems too simple, don't buy it in the first place!

If you're OK with that, then spend the tiny amount on a once-only payment.
Grab the book.

Take - oh, I don't know - maybe an hour or less to read through it.

Then use it and apply it. It is easy and so simple. You only need to know
two things.

And if you're like me you'll see fantastic results almost straight away.

And secondly, a warning. You may have a few days of sugar craving. This can
be uncomfortable for some folk.

But there's no way around it. No pain, no gain.

It's over quickly enough and you'll feel heaps better after it, along with
extra energy and vitality.

Look, I've tried over 30 diets over the years and none of them worked.

This has been the only successful method for me. And it's unique, just like
the Silver Lotto System.

Get more info here:

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Ken Silver
"Helping Lotto Players Become Winners Since 1991"

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