Subject: L0TT0-TIPS #65--Friend, please read before joining.

This Small Issue: 1) We're Getting Smaller! 2) Don't Give Up Too Soon! 3) Read: I'm Restricting The Winner's Circle Membership Hi Friend, Ken Silver here again. How are you? 1) We're Getting Smaller! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In case you haven't noticed, I'm making these LOTTO-TIPS newsletters ( a lot smaller so you can read them faster. I know you get a lot of emails daily, so mine are now brief and to the point so you'll always have time to read them. Of course, I may have to send you more issues to cover all the stuff you need to know, but if you get overwhelmed just unsubscribe from the link at the bottom. (I only want keen, enthusiastic winners-to-be reading this vital news!) 2) Don't Give Up Too Soon! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It's easy to get discouraged playing Lotto without my system. That's why the Honest Lotto System is good for our mental health - because many of us get a lot of smaller wins...and the system makes us encouraged about eventually getting the Big Win. Like Perry here: --- Hi Ken, This is a great system!! Thanks alot. I play Saturdays, Mondays & Wednesdays in Adelaide, South Australia I have used your system now for 3 months and I have won small amounts nearly every week, mostly 3 plus sup.and a few 4 nos. Last Monday I got 5 nos. winning $ 900.00 Thanks again Ken !! Keep up the good work. I would recomend this to everyone ! Regards Perry V (name and address supplied) --- Best of all, the small wins that Perry and many others get each week prove the Honest Lotto System is working. It only remains to be patient and persevere - your Big Win time will come! 3) I'm Restricting The Winner's Circle Membership ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Winner's Circle is selling fast. Remember in the last issue I said there were only 200 places left? That number is dwindling. And because the offer is such a popular one - and more work for me - I've decided to make it a bit harder to get in. So: - The current Winner's Circle will be restricted to 500 Members only in total. About 300 places are already reserved for past Winner's Circle Members and taken for existing Lotto-80 members. - When your Membership is accepted, you must stay. It's a once-only membership. If you leave at any stage, you cannot return, ever. I keep a list of Member's details and check each one beforehand to make sure you cannot sign up again. Why am I restricting this offer in this draconian (tough) way? The main reason is the complexity of the Winner's Circle to administer. One of the big problems has been the movement of Memberships within the Groups, which makes it very difficult to keep the Group stable. So, once you are accepted as a Winner's Circle member, you will be allocated a Group and will stay there. When you're gone, you're gone for good - it is just too hard to relocate you! But if you do decide to join, I've decided to give a discount for longer Membership periods. So: - 6 Month's Membership is just $169 (normally $179.70) - 3 Month's Membership is just $79 (normally $89.85) - Monthly Membership stays the same at $29.95. Can you remember the advantages of Membership? Go here now to see what you'll get: Are you looking forward to the New Year? 2005 could be a great winning year for you, only if: - You buy and use my Honest Lotto System ( - You get a personalized Custom Profile ( to save you working out the system (optional - and you must have the Honest Lotto System first). - You join the Winner's Circle to hugely increase your win chances (Winner's Circle PLUS Lotto-80): - You keep reading LOTTO-TIPS newsletter ( for more great news! Warm regards, Ken Silver "Helping Lotto Players Become #1 Winners" Honest Lotto System founder, since 1991 ------------------------------------- Contact me by email: Write me: Ken Silver Publishing, PO Box 22-183, Khandallah, Wellington 6004, New Zealand. Offices: Silverfern House, Kanpur Rd, Broadmeadows, Wellington 6004, New Zealand ------------------------------------- Want to read back copies of the LOTTO-TIPS newsletter? See: Buy my top-selling Lotto System. Check out my amazing 80.3% winning success rate here: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Friend, you requested this newsletter as or took the Millionaire Test. If you want to be one of 3 subscribers each issue to win a free Honest Lotto System (or get your money back if you bought it already), stay subscribed. If you don't want to receive it any more, just go to the link below. It's automatic and quick.