Subject: Friend ❤️Another FREE Book!❤️

Howdy Friend,

dangerous past!

You won’t want to miss this read! These sweet, clean, contemporary Western romances will draw you right in. Take in the beautiful scenery and get to know the big-hearted small towns where the characters make their homes. 

They’re all searching for true love, but along the way, their faith will be tested by everything from sabotage to fire, illness, and dangerous past shadows that return to stake their claim :Charlie Delta Rescue: Hellfire ERT Adventure Romance (Charlie Delta Rescue Series Book 1)


Happy Reading & Thank you so much for being a clean and wholesome reader. 

Jimmie George Cox
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Casey Dawson, former helicopter combat rescue pilot, has formed her own air search and rescue business, Charlie Delta Rescue, with a new crew. But her copilot is no stranger. Gabe Lassiter was her commanding officer in Afghanistan, and they made a good team over there. 

Together once again, but with roles reversed, Casey and Gabe face their first challenge—a raging wildfire in Yellowstone National Park.

Both army veterans carry their own secrets and burdens as they join forces to rescue stranded vacationers in remote areas of the park. Can Casey’s crew learn to work together under pressure as they head into a blazing inferno? Only their combined skill, and God’s guiding hand will seem them all through this first dangerous mission. And in the midst of the storm, old embers of love may just flare once more between Casey and Gabe.

Will a handsome lawyer cause even more trouble for her?

Recommends : New From Our Library of Love. You won’t be able to stop turning the pages, but when you do reach the end, the stories will stay with you.

Check out the  books special price and limited time.

Charlie Delta Rescue Series (9 book series)

"This was an exciting read. In addition to the romance, I loved learning about the details of the landscape as the Charlie Delta crew flew right into danger. The descriptions are beautiful and the action kept me quickly turning pages."---MM

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