Subject: New Series Release

Howdy, Friend!

Thank you so much for your support to my Bonanza Brides Find Prairie Love Series. I honestly cannot thank you enough!

This success is nothing without you, that’s why it’s a pleasure for me to announce another clean and wholesome series you'll surely love

Mrs. Eva Crabtree's Matrimonial Services
Book #1 "Mrs. Eva Crabtree"

This is book number one, the foundation for the series.

Meet Eva Crabtree was a handsome woman, straight-backed and buxom, in her early forties. No one knew her true age for sure. After graduating, Eva had startedher own small psychologist’s office, specializing in helping women. Her little business was quite the success, plus getting married to a tall and handsome James. She had been enjoying life immensely, quite sure that she had everything she’d ever need. Life had been idyllic, except for one thing.

  • Eva is a successful and wealthy woman, what is this one thing she can't ever have?
  • What happened two years ago that crushed their blessed life to a sudden and catastrophic end?
  • After her tragic life event, what gave her hope to live happily again?

Come and join the undertakings of Mrs. Eva Crabtree as she encounters a diversity of women, the surplus of gentlemen who want to find a wife, and the trials of being a widow. Get to know more about Lucy and two of her friends, the lovely but inappropriately dressed Missy and Angeline. The friendly town folks, the ladies, and men looking for true love.

“This is a story about fear, faith, tragedy, triumph and true love.”

Hope you’ll love it!



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Thank you,
~ Kat

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