Subject: Introducing Sara my Acquisitions Manager

Dear Investor Buyers:


My name is Sara and Justin asked me to call each of you in next few weeks
to see what we can do to help you. I have already talked to a number of
you. We want to make sure we help you find the exact properties you are
interested in buying.

Instead of just blasting everyone with properties you may or may not be
interested in, Justin wants to specialize and only send properties that met
your criteria. He believes this is the way we can save your time and

We would be happy to come to your office or to have you come to ours. We
are open for any ideas that can make us better. Tell us what we can do to
help you please.

We are excited and looking forward to having a successful year with all of

Please call or text or email if you have any questions. You are the only
reason we are here and you are very important to us.

Looking forward,

Sara Cordry
Executive Acquisition Manager - Sellers - Buyers
Business Cell: 816.875.6961