Subject: Urban Fantasy 2023

Hi Friend,

Do you like stories that mix fantasy with the everyday? If yes, this is for you.

If not, you may still want to find out about this book market because it represents a vast number of readers who buy a lot of books.

Right now, “Paranormal & Urban” is the 2nd-highest-selling category out of all 111 Fantasy submarkets (only outsold by epic fantasy.)

Urban Fantasy is a genre that merges the best of real-world mystery, thriller, and suspense fiction with fantasy, for example, the supernatural, magic, and mythology. 

Here you find witches, vampires, half-gods, and alike who go unnoticed at Starbucks by day and run after each other with sharp-edged weapons at night.

And the genre is firmly in the hands of indie authors, as you will discover in our latest research:


In this new 2023 edition of our study, we take another look at cover art market shares and long-term supply vs. demand trends.

Our Urban Fantasy "Virtual Bestseller List" gives you an accurate market picture based on 90-day book performance.

This research will help you find the best categories, trending themes, sales rank performance trends, top authors, top publishers, high-selling cover art, proven price points, top-titles, word clouds, keywords, KU vs. Non-KU, series vs. standalone, book description examples, and more.

Given Amazon's recent changes to the category selection process and bestseller list display rules (see my recent presentation here), you do not want to miss the data in this report.

Spend more time on your writing and save yourself countless hours of research:

=> URBAN FANTASY 2023 – Get Access

I hope to see you there!

Best regards,

Alex | e-book market intelligence for success

P.S. Missed a recent genre report? Check here.

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Im Spiegelfeld 30 | 4102 Binningen | Switzerland

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