Subject: The one Kindle genre worth looking at in 2017

Hi Friend,

If you have not looked into mystery, thriller, suspense, or crime literature yet, now is the time.

The current performance of these genres on Amazon Kindle is enormous. 

You can get all the details in the summer edition of our Mystery Thriller Suspense seminar:


It now covers more than 90 submarkets. And we extended the analysis to include top authors and publishers in the genre.

I also added a full seminar video, taking you through the results.

If you plan any book projects in mystery, thriller, suspense or crime literature in 2017, this research will be a smart investment.

And if you do not, you may want to reconsider. The research results are compelling:

No other genre on Kindle offers such a high concentration of attractive niches.

Save 30% by using this early-bird access link:


Happy publishing!


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