Subject: Female Protagonist Mystery, Thriller, Suspense 2022

Hi Friend,

One of the leading U.K. newspapers reported that "Without women, the novel would die." And further, "Women are fiction's life support system – buying 80% of all novels."

Unsurprisingly, this huge demand has also been increasingly met by women authors and female protagonists in their works.

I checked again just today: women wrote 72% (!) of the Top 100 Mystery, Thriller, Suspense bestsellers on Kindle. And that high market share stands the test of taking out a dozen of romance/romantic suspense titles that have found their way into this bestseller list.

Combine this with the fact that Mystery, Thriller & Suspense is one of the highest-selling bestseller lists on Kindle. No wonder, female writers have come to dominate crime fiction, a genre traditionally associated with men. And books featuring strong female protagonists have played a significant part in this ongoing evolution.

But the book market for female detectives and sleuths is not very transparent. Once again, we took a closer look to solve the problem. This K-lytics report reveals true top-performers of this ebook market segment by analyzing more than 25,000 current titles.

In conducting this research, we could really "geek out." I mean, going through thousands of book descriptions looking for cases where female pronouns outnumber male pronouns and matching title data against a database of 16,000 female first names... 

You see, there is a way to track down female protagonist thrillers and mysteries: You just need a male protagonist number cruncher. (Just kidding!)

So we proudly present our new report:


This new report examines this market, sales development, top authors/publishers, "Virtual Top 100" bestseller list, top categories, keywords, leading cover art, emerging high-selling genre clichés, Kindle Unlimited vs. Non-KU performance, and more.

As always, you will find my detailed video commentary on the download page.
Research less, write more! Be among the first to get your copy here:

See yon on the seminar page!

Alex | e-book market intelligence for success

P.S. Missed any of our recent genre reports? - Check here.
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