Subject: Be a superhero author in 2019 (new)

Hi Friend,

Powers beyond those of mere humans combined with the mission and ability to do good; we probably need more such characters on this planet: superheroes (and heroines.)

In movies and books, superheroes often have a double identity: the superhero self and a private, more human, often less heroic self. Combine that tension with a powerful antagonist, the supervillain, and you have a story!

The category bestseller list for superhero fiction has shown a stable upward trend over the last four years. 

On top, 2019 will have the most superhero movies ever released, and we have enough reason to take a closer look at the "superhero opportunity."

We look at sales trends, competition, "virtual bestseller list", top books' category usage, best categories, high-royalty themes/sub-segments, top authors, leading publishers, trending keywords, top-selling titles, descriptions, and more.

You can get obtain your early-bird copy of the first-time-ever report for this niche market for only $37 at:

=> Superhero Fiction Report

Speak to you at the video seminar that comes with the report.

Thanks a lot for your trust and support in 2018.
Happy Holidays!!!

Yours sincerely,
Alex | e-book market intelligence for success

P.S. Want to take the shortcut? - Proceed directly to the checkout here:
=> Instant Checkout

P.P.S. Not your genre? - Find yours here.
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