Subject: Watch out – “Formula For Guaranteed Failure” ! (private message 1 of 2)

Hi Friend,

You know I’d like to help out where I can, so I want to give you 

some personal advice that you should really take seriously. It’s 

just happening to too many online marketers and you can avoid 

making the same mistake everyone else makes…

First off…

STOP looking for a “better way to make money online” and STOP

listening to every marketer YOU think is one of the best out 

there !

I’m not saying that the established guys are talking crap, but 

see it this way…

You’ve probably seen the statistics before and it’s true: 99% of 

the so called “internet marketers” end up nowhere and completely 

broke because of listening to too many different marketers, all 

trying to stuff the latest “magic pill” down your throat.

So many promises being thrown at us every day, so much you still

want to try and implement and what you’ve already implemented 

just doesn’t work for you. Right ?

Why ?

Because most products, reports and whatever else you can find 

will point you into the wrong direction and confuse you. That 

simple !

Most of those product creators don’t give a damn about the 

results their customers get…they just want to make a quick buck. 

No more, no less.

You know what the biggest problem is in this market ?

=> GREED !

Don’t become like the masses. That’s the “Formula For Guaranteed

Failure” right there !

You know what will guarantee success that lasts ?

=> Standing out and interaction with your target prospects !

This is why the top dawgs that were successful 5 years ago are 

still successful today. Their success all started with a few 

simple basic things they’ve focused on right from the beginning. 

And it’s no rocket science. Too many other marketers just tend to 

make it look like a LOT of work, when in fact…it’s easy as hell. 

I’ll let you know more about that in a few days…

And I’m not talking about blogging, SEO, MLM, network marketing

or all the other timewasters… Just forget about those !

It’s been proven time and time again that there’s really just ONE 

thing that ALWAYS works in the long run and that’s really what 

most successful online businesses are built on… Most other 

“methods” are either temporary or are simply more time consuming 

than a full time job. BAH !

What you want is something that you can start off with 

immediately, makes you money from day one and requires the least 

bit of effort. 

It’s hard to find something like this…I know. There is a way 

though and I know two guys, Andre Stoelinga and Anton Nadilo, who 

will soon put an end to all the unnecessary frustrations you 

might still have.

Keep an eye out for my next email… I’ll go into more detail about 

what to really focus on. This will definitely make the difference 

between success and failure. I’ll also let you know what the 

biggest mistake is you can ever make… 

This is NOT just theory…it’s fact and it’s dead simple !


Mark Steer







