Subject: Need Reviews for Your Kindle Books?

Hey Friend,

You’ve published your book…but unless you start getting some 

reviews, your book is never going to climb the rankings at 

Amazon. So here’s what you do…You beg friends and family members 

to write you reviews. You get on forums and Facebook Groups to 

ask fellow publishers to write reviews.

The above might work – but there is still a problem….

The most effective review you can have is from someone who 

reviews books in your niche!! But how do you find relevant 

reviewers without spending hours searching for the right 


With Publisher’s Review Accelerator, Amy Harrop and Debbie Drum 

have introduced an automated solution that allows you to find 

reviewers in minutes, not hours or days. And they even reveal how 

to contact these reviewers in order to get your book reviewed.

See What's On Offer Here

This is groundbreaking automation that removes your biggest 

hurdle: Getting Reviews.

Watch the demo video here to see how it works:

See It Here

To your success,

Mark Steer


Here's That Link Again








