Subject: Insider Information on Covert Social Press

Hey Friend,

Did you check out the new Covert Social 

Press theme yet?

If you've already picked it all up - great!

...otherwise the link is right here:

=> Check It Out Here

I just got some "insider" information from

the guys behind this...

Covert Social Press will be made JVZoo's

"Pick of the Day" tomorrow (Thursday 28th)

That means that over 100,000 JVZoo customers 

will receive an email about this.

Since it's on a dime sale... well you can

imagine what that will do to the price!

I highly recommend grabbing this now 

while the price is still low - and before

the JVZoo email starts driving the price

up tomorrow!

=> See What's On Offer Here

To your success,

- Mark Steer


Here's That Link Again













