Subject: Google Pterodactyl Update!

Hey Friend,

Last year Google out their infamous

Panda and Penguin updates.

Loads of marketers dropped out of

Google and lost all the traffic and

income over night.

Others adapted and came out ahead.

I don't know what the next update

will be called, Pterodactyl is as

good a guess as any... But I do know

that there will be a new update, and

those failing to adapt will be hurt

badly again.

Now there are tons of products 

promising to be Panda/Penguin proof

(seems like a new one is launched

every day). Some even claim to secure

you against future updates.

That is of course utter BS - because

they have no way of knowing. And the

fact is that most of the short cuts

and magic plugins they are selling,

already go against what Google wants

you to do!

The only way to secure your blogs

against the "Pterodactyl" update

is to apply the 4 common sense 

strategies in this free report:

=> See What's On Offer Here

One of them is even instantly taken care

of by the "Urgent Google Fix" mentioned

on the page.

Don't be afraid of the Pandas, Penguins

and Pterodactyls... But don't think you 

can fool them either, they are clever 


Instead download this free report today

and prepare yourself in time for the

next update and be among the 1% that 

come out on top when it happens!

=> Check It Out Here

To your success,

- Mark Steer


Here's That Link Again











