Subject: Don't Panic! (your early bird link fixed)

Hey Friend,

Since I told you about the new Covert

Social Press theme earlier today...

I have been flooded with replies

from people worried they were missing

out on the special early bird price,

because they can't see the page.


Don't Panic!


I just talked to the guys behind this

and they assured me everything is fine,

Here's what might be happening...

Because they had a prelaunch squeeze

page up last week - your browser may

have cached that page.

All you have to do is hit the link

below - and if you don't see the page

just refresh your browser and you 

should see it.

=> Here It Is


The Good News


The early bird special is still on!

They won't raise the price until the

count down you see at the top of the 

page hits zero.

=> Check It Out Here

To your success,

- Mark Steer


Here's That Link Again












