Subject: An Extra-Ordinary All in One Plugin is going live

Hey Friend,

Most of the internet marketers out there are still using the same 

old school list building and banner advertising on their sites 

that don´t work anymore. They hardly get 1-2% CTR to any optin or 

affiliate offers & more than 98% traffic just wasted.

I'm completely sure that you don´t want to lose these 98% people 

so you can get more subscribers to your list & make a lot more 

from same efforts. 

My friends Dr. Amit and Clement Cheng have created an 

extra-ordinary WordPress Plugin, WP Notify Wizard that will 

skyrocket your site's optin rate up to 369% as well as your 

site’s CPA, Amazon, ClickBank affiliate sales up to 182%. Seems 

like dreams comes true!

This is an absolutely must have tool for all online marketers who 

don't want to waste 95% of all the traffic that come to their 


This plugin can be used for promotion in many ways:

Skyrockets your site's optin rate

Boost CTR to your CPA, Amazon affiliate banners or links 

& increases Affiliate Sales in NO time!

Grab your visitors attention.

Promote CPA offers

Promote Amazon offers

Make more from your Offline Marketing

Flip your WordPress site faster & for even more

Promote special offers or limited time discounts

Tell visitors something important right away and make 

sure they read it

Cross promote the blog contents and do not leave them 


Get more views on your videos/banners

Introduce new products

Interact with your visitors

Yeah I know! You want to see the live demo of the plugin! 

Checkout the demo page, just created for you Here. 

(See It Here)

It's just an example, Think about a ton of things you can do with 

this magical plugin.

Mark your calendar! Plugin is going live on FEB. 24th, 11 AM EST. 

It's a dime-sale & price will be freezed for early bird for first 

6 hours. I will notify you first when they go live so stay tuned.

To your success!

Mark Steer








