Subject: About to be launched $99 product selling for 9.95 ?

Hey Friend,

How is it going today ?

Well whatever day you are having it just became better. Why ?

The reason is that today you are getting a truly special offer.

One that doesn't come along... well ever.

Imagine if you had access to hundreds of millions of people

and you could read their mind. Huh ? Yeah. Imagine if you

could find out their needs, their desires. What they are into.

Then have the ability to turn that into business.

Today you are going to have access to (The best way I can

describe it is super cool) software.

This software is extremely powerful. The fact that is being sold

for 9.95 blows my mind. I don't know how long it will be at that

price but you need to check it out now.

See what all of the fuss is about HERE.

Have a great one.

Mark Steer

To your success.