Subject: THE Most Expensive mistake made by Affiliate Marketers...



how much of your time & efforts is spent chasing one time payments and commissions?


all that effort gets you ONE single payout, but then you never earn from that person again...


this means you're starting from scratch every-time, effectively wasting your efforts over and over again!


IMHO, it's one of the main reasons that so many people quit this industry.


They joined hoping for that elusive ‘laptop lifestyle’ but all that they ended up with was loads of hard work, day after day after day.


What’s the answer?




in simple terms targeting high converting offers that pay MONTHLY means you do the work ONCE, and then get paid over and over again!


It’s blindingly obvious, once you realise it...


Q - Would you rather do set up an offer, promote it and get paid $10 ONCE?


Or set up a similar offer and get paid $10 every month for the next 2-3 years?


When you look at how obvious the answer is it amazes me that more marketers don't do exactly this...


Click the link to get it done:

Find out more

Kind regards,

Matt Garrett

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