Subject: Secure & Speed up your site in 1 go, for free...


Note: this is the new ver 2.0 version of my Cloud Defender course, existing ver 1 customers have all been upgraded to ver 2.0

Google want your site to be secure.

so much so that they're rewarding sites that use https with better rankings.

this course also shows you the best way I know of to speed up your page load speed as well, again giving you a boost in Google's rankings.

this actually works so well that it's why I ended up retiring my own "Rapid Ranker" page load speed plugin a couple of years ago, there was no point in selling it when thei gives you the same, or better results, for free...

AND you get a massive security benefit as well!

oh, and load balancing...

and a whole bunch of other stuff that is usually only available to the big boys with expensive servers and stuff.

this service is a playing field leveler...

and did I mention it's free to use? :-)

you just need to know how to get it all setup correctly, which is why I created this lo cost, how to guide to help you get up and running!

it's on  dimesale tho, so the price is going up every few sales...

and it's selling a LOT!

Learn how to make your site secure for free, it's REALLY simple once you have my go to guide...

AND I've included Developer rights, so you can charge clients for setting this up for them:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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