Subject: Is your website sick and killing your business?



Is your website sick?


Does it's performance send Google running to the hills, cheating you of rankings and free traffic?


Do you even know what's wrong with your site?


Well, now there's a simple WP plugin that will tell you what's wrong with your site and fix the core speed problems in minutes -


With the new Google Web Core Vitals ranking signals arriving in May 2021 it's time to give your site the Google Vaccine and get ranked higher in the SERPS...


Your visitors want results in a rush - keep them happy with super fast page loads and you'll keep them on your site longer, making more conversions, putting more money in your pocket!


NOTE: There's also a full Agency Site License option right now, so you can even use this on your clients sites and charge them for it!


Give your site a health check AND a speed boost today:

Find out more

Kind regards,

Matt Garrett

How To Get In Touch:

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