Subject: Head To Head Speed Test: Winner is...


all those plugins that make WordPress sites so cool have a downside...

they will seriously slow down your site, unless you install some sort of cache plugin

these cache plugins create and store ready made versions of all your pages that are quick to serve up to your site visitors, so they get to see your content before they get bored and leave which tends to be after just 3 seconds!

at least that's the theory, in actual fact almost all of the well known (and highly used) cache plugins available actually suck, for a variety of reasons, including:
  • needlessly complicated to use & often break your site
  • regularly exploited by hackers
  • they clear the cache on ALL PAGES even if you change 1 word on 1 page (creates needless load on your server)
  • preloading causes additional site lag on large sites
in other words the choice was pretty poor, until now...

there's a new cache plugin that I think you should take a look at, it answers the shortcomings of all the other market leading cache products & finally resolves these age old problems for all WP users

hit the button below to check it out today while it's still on the early bird offer:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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