Subject: Get on Google's Good side now... [Inc. Local Search]



Discover how to give Google what they want and get all the free traffic you need -


Quick Summary:


 - Remove all SEO plugins and software that use 'old school methods'


 - Optimize your site for 'core vitals'


 - Create an AMP version of every site


 - It only takes 3-4 backlinks to rank IF you use a Google-approved source


 - Focus 90% of your SEO on 'new' Google search products like Voice search


this shows you how to get traffic from Google without "Gaming" the system


instead you simply use the new tools/options etc that Google want you to use!


Note: Google's 2022 update has been crushing sites with traditional SEO


this is your chance to make sure your site stays on the good side of the free traffic formula...


Click the link now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

Matt Garrett

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