Subject: Ends Today: this email gets a 40% reply from biz owners


Imagine taking tomorrow to send out just 20 emails to local business owners about a major problem on their website that will make them a target of lawsuits...

and getting 8 replies asking for more information!

then using an online 'site scanner' to create an audit that tells them EXACTLY how to fix the issue (along with a sales pitch to do the work for them for $1,000)

and ending up with 3 payments in your PayPal account at $1,000 each.

These are the exact numbers we've seen offering accessibility features to the business owners that need them in order to be compliant with disability laws.

YOU can duplicate this method and see results in as little as 48 hours by following each step in this video presentation here:

Everything is done for you.

The lead source of buyers who need this service urgently...

The pre-written 'legal warning' emails that generate a 40% response...

All the software needed to service these businesses and get paid $1,000

Just be sure to watch this presentation now as I will only be keeping it live until the end of the day...

This is a service every business owner will need within the next two years

click the link now to take advantage of these materials to get in on the opportunity while the time is right:

Find out more

Kind regards,

Matt Garrett

How To Get In Touch:

Email: Hit Reply To This Email
