Subject: 'DFY' Digital Agency Shopfront for you business


need a ready made consultancy theme that you can be up and running with today?

Unlike the other themes where you have to hire a copy writer before your site goes live, DiGiAgency comes with proven to convert DFY content & images. 

You simply have to import it, edit it (if you want) and you’re DONE.

Quick Summary:
  • Quick one click installable wordpress theme
  • Easy to use options panel for theme customization
  • Modern high quality design which is very expensive otherwise
  • Preloaded with high quality content
  • Covers all the important services provided by any local consultant 
What does it do:

#1: DFY Content - DiGiAgency comes with professionally written done-for-you content so you can start using it right away

#2: SEO Friendly - Easily get your page to the top of any search engine results by adding SEO tags, there is no need to hire an SEO expert

#3: Retargeting Friendly - You can add retargeting pixels from adroll or facebook and then reach out to you audience easily wherever they may be.

#4: Conversion Oriented - DIGIAgency was designed by a highly experienced conversion team within the marketing industry to give you the best results

#5: Import XML - Easily import & export XML that we have created to make your DiGiAgency website ready to use

#6: Unlimited Colors - Personalize your DiGiAgency theme any way you like by changing themes and colors in options panel

#7: Styling Options - Easy styling options gives you the power to personalize the page fast and easy without hassle

#8: Google Maps - Use Google Maps embedded on the theme to showcase your location to your clients for easier contact

Note: This is on a 3 day special offer right now, so hit the button below to take a look while it's cheap:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

How To Get In Touch:



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