Subject: 7 Step Guide To Ranking Videos


This new s/w is the 'Mutts Nuts' when it comes to YT marketing...

Quick Summary:
  • Find your competitors RPI
  • Find your competitors Exact Keywords
  • Find your competitors Exact Tags
  • Follow a proven guide for ranking
  • Manipulate their rankings to improve yours
  • Fast Track your progress & flood your niche
Why is any of that important?

Well here's a Quick Guide To WHAT WORKS For Ranking Videos - 

 #1: Video Length - You want your video a minimum of 3 minutes, but optimally around 10 (+/- a minute or 3 is fine) 

 #2: Video Title - Put your targeted keyword phrase in your title twice. You can do this without it being obvious that you are doing it.

For example: Make Money Online In 2019 The Easy Way - Make Money Online

We put your targeted keyword at the beginning and at the end, with a little filler in between so that the title feels and flows nicely.

 #3: Description - Use your targeted keyword phrase 4 times in your description area. Mix it in naturally with other text and put it in different sentences and paragraphs.

 #4: Tags - Use all available tag space, take all of the tags from the #1 video showing in google for your keyword (remove the ones that aren't really relevant). Be sure to include your targeted keyword phrase.

 #5: Audience Retention - There is no set time here, it really depends on the length of your video. This is not a concern as long as you actually have an informative/entertaining video.

 #6: Engagement - (Comments / Likes)• In most cases you really won't need engagement to rank initially, and once you're ranked, by default, because of the traffic Google is sending, you'll get engagement.

 #7: RPI - This is one that most people miss and or do not understand. In general, your overall video channel has a 'strength' number associated with it. 

The higher that number goes makes it easier and easier to outrank other people as well as rank for short tail keywords.

There is a software program called TAC (Tube Authority Commander) that takes care of this for you. 

Now imagine you had a tool that showed you what your competition was doing, and even showed off their weaknesses.

With the information that I just told you and this awesome automated tool I built, You could sweep your competitors out from under their rankings!

Hit the button below to grab your copy Now:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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