Subject: ★ over 1.3 million dollars given to users on launch...


there's a brand new social media site that is paying people to start using it!

you even get $10 just for signing up...

This site just launched to the public on the beginning of July, and they have already paid out millions of dollars to their users.

Sounds way too good to be true, right?  

yeah, I thought so too, so I did some digging, and here's what I found out:
  1. The site IS 'legit'
  2. They are actually paying new members $10 to join
  3. There are no membership fees
  4. Users are paid to post stories, pictures, videos
  5. They also pay people to comment on stories
  6. Members are also paid to upvote and downvote content
  7. Some people are making thousands of dollars on their very first post (just introducing themselves and saying hi)
  8. The money you make is real money that can be spent or deposited into your bank account
  9. They pay the user’s $$$ every 24 hours
it sounds totally crazy, but this site is the real deal. 

In fact, several media sites have recently published stories about them, and their business model.

including about how this site paid over 1.3 million dollars to their users on launch day.
That is a LOT of cash up for grabs in a single day.

In many ways “hiring” their users to “work” for them, instead of hiring employees.

It’s better than working for “the man”, especially when you don’t need all these technical skills to do it and be successful.

Now it's your chance to learn how you can get hired to “work” at this brand new social blogging site that is taking the world by storm, and get in on the ground floor before it explodes:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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